Welcome to Textilebd Ltd
We are clothing company and having our own production unit as well as outsourcing. We provide close-in manufacturing support and help to meet the growing demand while ensuring superior quality of our products. We are very much specialized in large variety of light (circular) knit, flat knit, sweater and woven. We supply dresses for man, women, boys and girls.
We do produce all kind of woven, flat knit, sweaters & pullover from 3guage to 12guage-in 100% acrylic, acrylic smiling, bright acrylic, acrylic wool mix, cashmere like, lamb’s wool, 100% polyester, polyester nylon mix, polyester cotton mix, 100% cotton, cotton/acrylic mix, 100% wool or any kind of mixed yarns. We do arrange all the yarns locally. For some of the fancy mix yarns-we arrange from Taiwan/China through our own buying house. Doesn’t matter whether we use local or imported yarns still able to submit GSP A!
Our company is also giving service for inline & final inspection with full liability to the customers base on agreement!! And we are already authorized for 1 Europe customer!